How It Works

Help! My Car Has Been Stolen

Call 911 to report your car stolen.

Register Your Vehicle In’s

Your vehicle is listed in our publicly accessible
database, so people know it is stolen

Activate The Nation’s Neighborhood
Watch For Stolen Vehicles

Broadcast an All-Points Bulletin on your stolen vehicle

Our Members Receive Information About
Your Car So They Can Search For It

Email alerts and push notifications are sent to people
near the area where your vehicle was stolen

Our Members Spot Your Vehicle and Call The Police

When our members spot your vehicle, they call the police
and alert us. We reward them when your car is recovered.

Join The Nation’s Neighborhood Watch for Stolen Vehicles

Receive Alerts on Stolen Vehicles In Your Area

We email you whenever a vehicle is stolen in your area, so you can keep an eye out for it

Contact Police When You Spot A Stolen Vehicle

Inform the Police of the location of the vehicle. Register your tip at

Collect Your Reward

When the vehicle is recovered we reward you with cash and non-cash prizes